“I did a test shoot the weekend before in another pool to sort out any problems and how to light something underwater. “I pitched a handful of ideas, including shooting underwater, which is something Brendon had apparently been wanting to do for a while. “We shot this cover at Brendon Urie’s then-new house, which he had just moved to that summer,” photographer Jonathan Weiner recalls. UNDER THE COVER: As far as logistics go, few locations require as much planning in which to shoot than underwater. It’s basically if you don’t like what you’re playing, come up with something better. I would hope someday that it would be more of a collaboration, but it isn’t right now. “It’s not, ‘Here’s an idea for a song - let’s all work on it.’ “We get insulted pretty regularly.” On show, however, was the frontman’s singular vision for his fledgling outfit. “Somebody up the street says they’re going to get us because we’re hippies,” he continued. UNDER THE COVER: Before there was Trent Reznor, Academy Award-winning composer, there was Trent Reznor, the kid who “ harassed because don’t look totally normal,” the then-24-year-old frontman told Alternative Press on his band’s first-ever national magazine cover.

It’s easy to worry about other people’s problems when you’ve got everything.” Now it’s all cliquey, and every move you make is being watched by these little 15-year-old kids that get checks from mom and dad to go to school, making little fanzines on their laptops.

If you looked like a freak, you were in it. “Punk rock was about doing anything you wanted, anytime you wanted. “Kids are such sheep, and they think there’s a punk-rock rulebook” was the damning assessment of Rancid’s Lars Frederiksen. UNDER THE COVER: Perhaps the most iconic Alternative Press cover image ever accompanied a story that went in search of punk rock’s soul at a time when the scene was going platinum off the back of Green Day’s Dookie and the Offspring’s Smash. Read more: In issue 400, twenty one pilots reveal the importance of their community You can pick up an issue here, starring twenty one pilots. Four hundred issues after the very first book to carry our name ran off the printers back in 1985, we look back on 36 years of our favorite-ever AP covers, the stories they told and the secrets behind their creation.